Thursday, July 6, 2023

Castrating Kids To Win Elections

At a Pride Month event at the White House, it was announced that a special coordinator would be waging lawfare against schools that try to shield children.

Grooming children in schools isn't just a perverted agenda, it's a political one.

Puberty blockers for young children, followed by genital mutilation, like political rallies, is similarly part of the ritual indoctrination into a political movement.

Much as the black community was locked into dysfunction and dependency, the urge to rush children into making irreversible decisions about their bodies is about demographic capture.

It's why the Department of Justice plotted to investigate resistant parents as terrorists, why the Southern Poverty Law Center named Moms for Liberty a hate group, why Democrat judges block state measures to protect children, and why the HHS Secretary is calling for going on the offense against parents.

Democrats are building the future of their party around the sexualization and mutilation of children.

Castrating kids to win elections is a horrifying strategy, but so is organizing a mass invasion of the country through an open border or destroying black families and then legalizing crime. 

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