Monday, July 10, 2023

A Chicago Sex Scandal In Migrant Temporary Housing

 It's the rarest of crimes - the incidents of severe police misconduct - that make the news.

The story broke on Thursday, July 6 that at least one Chicago police officer was being investigated for having sexual contact with illegal aliens, who were being housed in a police station in the North Lawndale neighborhood.

The story grew by the hour, and by Friday, it was admitted that internal affairs was investigating at least four officers at the station in question, for sexual relationships with multiple girls sheltering there, at least one of whom is a minor, reportedly pregnant with a police officer's child.

Within 24 hours, at least sixty primarily Spanish-speaking aliens were moved out of this police station, where they had resided for months, and the Civilian Office of Police Accountability had opened its own separate investigation, eager to delve into, this time, an apparently legitimate case against the police.

It's a crime if these police used their power as authority figures to abuse these poor people.

Police officers at such a station would have been presented as guardians, but would seem like their own prison guards in reality.

Then what is the compassionate welcome we give them? Two or three days' transportation to an unknown place, where they will sit and cower in condemned school rooms, or bankrupt motels, or overcrowded police stations, for months and months, without legal status to get an honest job or live an honest life, at risk 24/7 of assault by their fellow aliens, or by their alleged caretakers, or in this case, perhaps even at the hands of the police.

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