More than two decades after Islamic terrorists exploited the U.S. government's inefficient system for tracking foreigners who overstay visas, the problem is only getting worse with a startling 853,955 visa overstays in fiscal year 2022.
At least four of the September 11 hijackers were in the United States with expired visas and all these years later the government-under both Democratic and Republican administrations-has not found a way to adequately track visa overstayers.
In the meantime, a persistent crisis involving visa overstays has gripped the nation in years following the 2001 attacks.
Other federal investigations have revealed that the U.S. has failed to properly remove millions who overstayed their visa, including DHS losing track of hundreds of dangerous foreigners that "Could pose a national security or public safety concerns." Every year the government fails to catch hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who overstay their visa.
A few years later the number of visa overstayers increased to 702,000.
The latest figures included in the Fiscal Year 2022 Entry/Exit Overstay Report illustrate that the problem is much worse than previously reported, though DHS tries to sugarcoat it by highlighting that most foreigners left when they were supposed to.
The new data shows that 9,005 Chinese citizens overstayed their student visa last fiscal year, accounting for around 16% of student or exchange visitor overstays.
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