Why is Congress continuing to help Big Pharma avoid accountability and suck every penny it can from Main Street?
Hidden No More Congress continues doing Big Pharma's bidding because it knows that pharmaceutical companies will always butter their bread. In fact, a STAT News study found that two-thirds of Congress cashed pharma campaign checks.
Some members of Congress even tried to stop the Inflation Reduction Act, which penalizes Big Pharma every time its Medicare drug prices rise faster than the inflation rate - because preventing market manipulation in life-or-death situations is apparently against free-market principles in their version of America.
While the lengths members of Congress have gone to in carrying Big Pharma's water have always been disgusting, they used to pretend their bailout attempts overlapped with a free-market worldview.
New Bill Won't Lower Prescription Costs This month, these hypocritical members of Congress introduced a bill that would make it harder for groups called "Pharmacy benefit managers" to administer the American people's Medicare Part D health plans.
So it's only logical that members of Congress would now seek to make it more difficult for PBMs to administer Medicare Part D. While these groups are saving these members' constituents millions, PBMs are affecting the bottom line of one of their top campaign contributors, and that's what's important to them.
Make no mistake: Protecting their campaign coffers is all that has and continues to matter to Congress in these Big Pharma legislative fights, from taking their side on COVID immunity and above-inflation price-gouging to this.
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