So does the "Baggage" make Trump a target?
The eminent thinker and military historian Victor David Hanson enumerated the "Baggage" that President Trump doesn't have but the Democrats do.
3) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiring a foreign national, who is prohibited from working on presidential campaigns, to compile a dossier to smear her presidential opponent.
8) Trump did not boast publicly, as did Joe Biden, that he used U.S. foreign aid monies as leverage to have the Ukrainian government fire a prosecutor who may have been looking into the Biden family's efforts to sell influence to corrupt Ukrainian interests.
9) Trump did not, as the Bidens did, set up a family consortium to leverage monies from Ukraine, Russia, and China, on their shared expectations that he might soon run for and be elected president and become compromised.
Trump is not mentioned, as is Joe Biden, in family business communications as a recipient of a 10 percent commission on such payoffs.
10) Trump did not, unlike Biden, remove presidential papers-without any authority to declassify them-and leave them scattered and unsecured in a garage and various residences and offices.
"11) Trump did not, as did private citizen and former Secretary of State John Kerry, meet clandestinely while out of the office with Iranian officials to help them resist current U.S. policy toward Iran-or what the Boston Globe characterized as"unusual shadow diplomacy" to "apply pressure on the Trump administration from the outside.
12) Trump did not, unlike Biden patronizingly call Obama "The first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
13) Trump did not, unlike Biden dismiss two black journalists, respectively with the putdowns "You ain't black" and "Junkie."
14) Trump did not, unlike Biden refer to two prominent people of color as "Boy."
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