Government organizations, corporations, and nonprofits are joining forces to force acceptance of transgenderism on unwilling populace
The whole transgender movement has dangerous hidden motivations, like promises of funding, raises, or being "Excluded" for not going along with the "Normalization" of grooming children to think sex thoughts all day and want to destroy their bodies with dangerous surgeries and mutilations in the name of gender "Fluidity." Coordinated effort underway by globalists and communists to push trans-everything on everyone, or else lose funding for your business Many of today's child molesters, sex offenders, rapists, and other sex "Criminals" want everyone to jump aboard the "Trans" everything train and accept everything under the LGBT umbrella.
From big name brands like Target, Bud Light, Disney, and Adidas, to public school systems and universities, the movement has now become coercive, where it's shoved down your throat to be accepted or else face the consequences of losing your job or your reputation as someone who accepts people's "Differences." If you're not into grooming little kids and teenagers into thinking about sex and sex partners all day, or pushing them to get genitalia-mutilation surgeries and take cancer-causing hormones, then you suffer monetary and societal consequences.
It's all grooming and it's really not about helping the kids and teens self-identify, but it's mostly about perverted adults getting their "Rocks off" and/or making big money from the surgery and drugs doled out.
Social media is so corrupt now that kids and teens think transgenderism is normal and everyone else who doesn't "Support it" is biased, bigoted and racist.
LGBT "Activism" now means you have to hate everyone who is straight and white.
There's a whole new language people have to speak in order to be "Accepted" by the trans-community and to avoid getting fired from their jobs.
Call a biological boy, "He" who identifies as a girl or a "Furry" and you're fired! Everyone is being indoctrinated against their will, brainwashed to accept perverted thinking, and trained to speak the language of the new tranny cult, or else.
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