An estimated 3.5 million people voted in the Georgia Senate runoff election.
ProGeorgia, the local partner for State Voices, bragged of having conducted "31,000 face-to-face conversations, 10 million texts, and 133,000 phone conversations" and of registering "Tens of thousands for the midterm election" so that "Voters of color turned out in early voting at higher levels than their white counterparts".
"We leaned on our trusted partners in our fight for our democracy. Partnership for Southern Equity, Georgia Equality, Black Voters Matter, Coalition for the People's Agenda, Georgia STAND-UP, and GALEO were instrumental in securing this critical win for people power," ProGeorgia's director, Tamieka Atkins, boasted.
What's the line between "Civic education", "Nonpartisan voter engagement" and campaign activities? The IRS has made those lines meaningless.
This money passes through a series of 'Russian nesting doll' organizations as money from leftist megadonors like George Soros and foundations like the Ford Foundation is fed through smaller, but still huge middlemen like State Voices, which distribute money to their state counterparts, like ProGeorgia, that are themselves coalitions, uniting in this case, the Georgia AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, a teachers' union and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, along with dozens of more obscure local activist groups.
While some campaign activities are still off limits, nonprofit cash is used to change voting rules, to finance elections, to conduct voter engagement and to collect lists used by Democrats.
When the devil went down to Georgia to steal its elections, the IRS went with him.
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