Nevada rejected a higher number of mail-in ballots in the 2022 election than the final vote margin that decided a close Senate race last year, according to an analysis obtained by The Daily Signal.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative election watchdog group, found that 8,036 ballots were rejected.
An additional 1.2 million ballots were never mailed back to election officials, according to the analysis of data from the office of Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, who was first elected in November.
The findings do not prove-nor does the report claim-the election results would have turned out differently or that the incumbent's margin of victory would have changed if fewer ballots were rejected, if fewer were sent to bad addresses, or if more ballots were returned.
Of the rejected ballots, the report says 2,133 were from registered Democrats; 2,307 were from Republicans; and the most-3,596-were from "Other."
Nevada law requires county election officials to automatically mail ballots to all "Active" registrants on the voter rolls.
"Mail-in ballots are a problem to begin with. Automatic mail ballots are a disaster, and these Nevada numbers prove it."
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