First and foremost, it means that we have lost freedom of choice, and with it, acceptance of the fact that choices have consequences.
That kind of thinking is independent of party or ideology, but it is inherently conservative since it is conservatives, not liberals, who think deeply and compassionately about choice, consequences, self-reliance, and human happiness.
One cannot think in this way if one is a liberal or progressive.
After all, the ultimate goal for progressives is global enslavement under the aegis of a world government following the abolition of nation-states and the destruction of individual freedom.
The progressive world order would look a lot like North Korea, which we would do well to study if we wish to understand the enemy we face.
Most North Koreans are not forced to support Kim Jong-un — they love Kim Jong-un because long ago they surrendered their freedom of thought and traded their human rights in exchange for what they believed to be the security of an average 2,032 calories per day, much of it noodles and vegetables.
They worship Kim Il-sung and his heirs not because they are afraid to think for themselves, but because they have lost the ability to think for themselves.
They insisted on an absolute, nationwide, government-funded right to abortion up to and even after birth because they had been indoctrinated to believe that abortion is a right, and that belief had become a point of faith that was beyond discussion or distinctions.
In this way, progressives are willingly and obsessively enslaved.
Wokeness offers a socially accepted, safe way of thinking, and once an individual becomes woke, which is to say he fully supports the privileging of certain racial and gender groups over white heterosexual males, he becomes woke all the time.
Food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and medical care are necessities, and individuals should pay for them and choose what they think they need out of what they earn and can afford.
Once government begins to provide for necessities, the incentive to work, and work hard, is lost, and society as a whole suffers from stagnation and from inflation and shortages as we have since Biden was elected.
When individuals choose to allocate their own capital, they are more careful.
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