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And Just Like That, Natural Immunity is No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

 Natural immunity to disease is, or at least was, a well-known concept in medicine.

 One can`t develop natural immunity to diseases like diabetes or heart failure. Many of us remember “chicken pox parties” where when one kid was infectious, he or she was invited over to play with your kids, so they all got infected and then they did not have to worry about getting chicken pox again, due to natural immunity.
The CDC defines it as follows: “Natural immunity is acquired from exposure to the disease organism through infection with the actual disease.
” Contrast this to: “Vaccine-induced immunity is acquired through the introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination.
As the CDC describes, “If an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.
Far-left Mother Jones described it, “Anti-vaxxers have a dangerous theory called `natural immunity. ” The CDC: “Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity to COVID-19 than getting sick with COVID-19.
” USA Today was also quite certain: “Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines provide safer, more consistent immunity than infection.
Denial of natural immunity was the basis of vaccine mandates which deprived millions of Americans of “the right to choose” or “my body my choice.
Those serving in the military, playing professional sports, or attending college had to make a potentially life-changing choice between natural and vaccine immunity and losing their job or education. Lo and behold, The Lancet changed their tune a few weeks ago with a paper, specifically a meta-analysis reviewing 65 studies from 19 countries showing that previous infection with COVID provided better and longer lasting protection than vaccination.
This is not to say vaccines provide no protection, but that natural immunity is more effective. A 2020 study published in Nature found that after the 2003 SARS epidemic, a virus similar to COVID, infected patients had immunity 17 years later.
For this SARS coronavirus, previous infection provided long term protection against reinfection. ” But their graphs still showed better protection from previous infection than vaccination. ” This was the argument for vaccination that it would keep you out of the hospital and ICU, although natural immunity did just fine in this regard.
” This is similar to the recent Cleveland Clinic study finding that the more vaccine doses one had the more one was likely to get COVID.
One reason is that natural infection is through the respiratory tract via mucosal surfaces, as opposed to vaccination which bypasses mucous membranes and only provides immunity within the body. Natural infection provides mucosal immunity to future infection, at the point of viral entry into the body, whereas vaccine immunity does not.
Natural infection locks the doors and windows to the house versus vaccine immunity which simply has a guard inside the house which can`t stop the bad guys from getting inside. Another reason is that natural immunity protects against 29 viral proteins compared to vaccines which protect against only one protein, the spike protein.
Anthony Fauci, in a 2004 C-Span interview, sang the praises of natural immunity for the flu virus, another respiratory virus similar to COVID.
YouTube screen grab “Well, no, if she got the flu for 14 days, she`s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself.


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