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Who is Jordon Walker and how did he get a job at Pfizer?
- According to Project Veritas, Walker works for Pfizer as Director of Research and Development Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning
- Critics of the Veritas scoop have zeroed in on the idea that Walker could not possibly hold a senior role with Pfizer, citing his relatively recent graduation and unremarkable research history
The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offers fellowships that literally don’t even allow white people to apply for them
- “Breakthrough Fellowship” offers college students multiple internships, a fully funded master’s degree, and several years of employment at the pharmaceutical giant.
- It also restricts applications to “Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American” students.
The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) mandates that medical school admissions teams include the MCAT score among the many variables they use in evaluating applicants
- Proponents tout the test as the great equalizer of applicant competency assessments - leveling the playing field for students who come from varying academic backgrounds and testing their basic scientific knowledge.
- The MCAT clearly favors White applicants who have the wealth and resources to help them achieve competitive scores on the test - and disadvantages those from a lower socioeconomic background.
- Soon, there may be no MCAT at all.
Step 1 of the USMLE played a central role in which residencies students are accepted to; a strong score is crucial for acceptance into the most challenging specialties
- Not anymore, though! Now, Step 1 is a Pass/Fail test. Why?
- A 2020 Health Science Reports research article sought to determine whether Step 1 exam scores affected the diversity in the medical school interview process.
- The analysis showed that mean Step 1 scores were significantly higher among White applicants compared with URiM applicants.
The American affirmative action cult has always been about favoring less able people over more able ones, purely based on skin color or other superficial identity traits
- And right now, left unchecked, it's all getting worse
- There is a comforting myth that racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action is just a "tiebreaker," or a way of elevating those with more promise but less superficial polish
- That is not how it works, and it never has been
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