Quote: "Are the COVID Yarns Slowly Beginning to Unravel?
It has been three years since COVID-19 entered the scene. It probably emerged in the previous year based on COVID antibodies found in banked blood from the fall of 2019 and a severe non-influenza respiratory illness sweeping through ICUs in the early winter of 2019. In those days it was simply called the Chinese coronavirus, based on the reported origin but we still don’t know that for sure.
In fact, much of what we have been told about COVID over the past three years has turned out to be “misinformation”, as government, corporate media, and big tech described everything that went against their preferred COVID narrative. Who are the real deniers?
Start with the origin of the Chinese coronavirus, initially said to have definitively originated in a Wuhan market due to a chance encounter of a bat with a pangolin. The latter supposedly ended up on someone’s dinner table, the virus making a miraculous leap from bat to pangolin to human in record time with no intermediate hosts or time to mutate.
In fact, the virus was likely man-made, manufactured via gain of function research which Dr Anthony Fauci adamantly denied. Such research is illegal in the US but not elsewhere in the world. “The Pentagon reportedly controls bioweapons labs in some 25 different countries including Ukraine.” What are they doing in those labs? Will the Republican-controlled Congress ask
Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland told a Senate committee, “Ukraine has biological research facilities.” Could have that been a factor in Putin’s Ukraine invasion? The media and Congress are incurious.

Recently released Project Veritas undercover videos captured Pfizer executive Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker unraveling some COVID yarns. When asked, “So, Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating COVID?” he replied, “Well, that is not what we say to the public. No.” That sure sounds like gain of function, or as the Pfizer executive euphemistically called it, “directed evolution”. Are the COVID Yarns Slowly Beginning to Unravel? - American Thinker
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