As auditors and congressional investigators try to figure out just how much federal COVID relief went to fraudsters, they are missing the trillions of dollars in fraud committed by the federal government itself in a war that we had no chance of winning.
This Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will hold a hearing "To investigate rampant waste of taxpayer dollars in COVID relief programs."
What we really need is an investigation into how the war against COVID wasted trillions of taxpayer dollars, imposed massive disruptions, handicapped millions of students, and probably didn't save many, if any, lives.
"As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." That assumed the country did nothing to mitigate COVID's spread. So, the U.S. embarked on an unprecedented effort to slow the disease's spread and develop vaccines in record time, spending trillions of dollars in the process.
By the following March, COVID relief spending was close to $4 trillion.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University did a meta-analysis of studies done on the effectiveness of COVID mitigation efforts.
We will concede that the rapid development of COVID tests, three different vaccines, and improved treatment regimens saved lives, although just how many is unknowable.
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