The global population is close to or over its maximum in most locations, and it will be falling fast by the century's end
- The depopulation agenda has been festering behind the scenes for a long time and now it is coming out in the open and going mainstream
- If you don't recognize it, reject it, and call it out, you could become its next victim
Paul Erhlich
- Founder and first president of the Zero Population Growth organization
- Loved to scare people with his 1968 book "The Population Bomb"
- Among the solutions suggested in the book was population control
- Gloated in an interview in 2014 that things could go so bad that humans will become cannibals
- In the 1970s, Ehrlich co-authored a book 'Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment'
Club of Rome
- Specialized in crisis creation
- The main purpose was to formulate a crisis that would unite the world and condition us to the idea of global solutions to local problems
- Its goal was to cut the world's population by two-thirds
- Climate alarm originated in the ‘Limits of Growth’ report in 1973
- In 1991, the club reviewed global problems in a book called ‘The First Global Revolution’
- Topics covered by this book included the containment of global warming
- One of its associates was Maurice Strong who is considered the Godfather of the climate change agenda
Final thoughts
- It is astounding that with all the resources and experience these people claim to have they are incapable of finding solutions to "climate change" other than depopulation.
- Population is not the problem; it is greed
- The population is too large to achieve the level of control they desire, so they must rid the world of the "excess" or "useless eaters" so the population is "sustainable"
- Sadly, the effect of these groups' campaigns on those who fall for them will be to convince the unquestioning that depopulating is a necessary evil and so any actions de-populationists take to enforce their agenda will not be perceived as a crime
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