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Things Worth Considering 4

 It has been said before in these notes and elsewhere many times over. And, there is no question that it is the truth and nothing but the truth. The current version of the progressive Democrat Socialists in our midsts is arguably the most immoral and socially destabalizing political party in our nation's history. They activily promote sexual promiscuity in their extensive range of unhealthy lifestyles they protect with their so called LBQTQ+ false narratives. Normalization of sexual perversions is their objective. They insist that parent's have no role in establishing the moral foundation in their children. That is a Marxist doctrine writ large... destruction of the family unit is a stated goal of all Marxist political movements. Left-wing dominated schools all across America promote sexual perversions among other left wing false narratives in their corricula. That includes the progressive Democrat socialist party headed by the most corrupt and one of if not the most immoral presidents in our nation's history. And we have had at least three of them in recent history, all Democrats. Moral societies have long condemned sexual promiscuity. Throughout all of  history so have most religions. But progressive Democrat socialists are profoundly anti-religious. Immorality and lawlessness is at the core of their very being. Abortion is not Murder, sexual promiscuity is good, censoring truth is moral, illegal immigration is good and just thing to do and much much more characterizes their political philosophy. When any society's moral fiber decays, promiscuity and general lawlessness takes over and once moral societies inevitably fall into sinful destruction. That is factual history. Nonetheless, that is a direct intent of our very own progressive Democrat socialist party has for us and our country. This item deals with just one small piece of that huge problem.

       Quote: "Disgusting P——— Caught in Action. Shocking video shows a risqué “family-friendly” drag show at a brewery in Tennessee. At one disturbing point during the event marketed toward children, a very young girl is patting down the crotch area of an adult dressed as Ariel from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid.” On Saturday, the Wanderlinger Brewing Co. hosted the “Chattanooga Pride Youth Day.” The event didn’t appear to be promoted on the brewery’s website or social media. The event was promoted by the Chattanooga Pride/Tennessee Valley Pride – an organization “celebrating diversity in Chattanooga, Tennessee and combining our LGBTQ Resources to raise awareness, educate, and improve our community with dignity.”

        A Facebook post for the event read, “Happy Chattanooga Pride! As we celebrate leading up to the festival on October 2nd, come hang out with us at Wanderlinger Brewing Company for our annual Pride Youth Day. Featuring speakers/discussions, princess meet & greets, drag queen story time, and a family-friendly drag show.”

        Director and producer Robby Starbuck recorded video of the audacious event where drag queens dressed up as Disney princesses and interacted with small children. Footage shows an adult dressed as Ariel lip-syncing a song from the children’s animated film “The Little Mermaid.” A young girl rubs her hand across the crotch area of the drag queen’s mermaid costume, but the individual does not stop the child. Another drag queen performer does a dance routine in front of kids – including spreading of the legs that exposed the person’s panties to the young children.

“Today we got footage of Chattanooga Pride Youth Day at Wanderlinger Brewing Co. and this is what kids were subjected to,” Starbuck wrote on Twitter. “It’s NOT hard to not spread your legs to kids. It’s NOT hard to redirect a kid away from that area if they grab near your crotch. We have to stop this madness!”

        “The fact they WANT to spread their legs for kids should make very clear to everyone that something is WRONG with this. Where’s law enforcement? We won’t allow this continue,” said the former congressional candidate. “In Tennessee there will be no safe space to be inappropriate like this with kids. We WILL stop this!” “We will be watching every move the left makes to do this in Tennessee and we will be reporting to the public, to the politicians and to the police until this stops,” Starbuck concluded. “Tennesseans: Send this to your reps and ask them to stop this and to work with us on legislation to protect kids!” 

The website for the brewery (which requires people to be 21 or over to access it) previously promoted an “All Ages Pride Event at Wanderlinger.” The Pride Month event that took place in June featured “Drag Queen Story Time with Hormona Lisa” and an “All Ages Drag Show.” Also in June, A Texas gay bar hosted a “Drag the Kids to Pride” event where drag queen dancers provocatively gyrated in front of children as young as toddlers. The event that was held in Dallas was marketed as the “ultimate family-friendly pride experience.”     Restore American Glory » Disgusting P——— Caught in Action

This item adds to the rank decadance that is so very much a part of the history of the racist progressive Democrat party and it's it destructive political contritbutions so detrimental to black Americans. This is a profoundly sad but true accounting of their criminal policies. But it represents on only a small part of the awful history of Democrat party racism.

        Quote: "American Blacks and the Wawa mob in Philadelphia. “What shall be done with the four million slaves if they are emancipated? [snip] Our answer is, do nothing with them; mind your business, and let them mind theirs. Your doing with them is their greatest misfortune. They have been undone by your doings, and all they now ask, and really have need of at your hands, is just to let them alone. They suffer by every interference, and succeed best by being let alone.” – Frederick Douglass (1862).

        Since the dawn of the Democrat party, Democrats have proven themselves incapable of leaving Blacks alone. During the years of open racism, they enslaved Blacks and then subjected them to Jim Crow. Since Jim Crow, they’ve done something more pernicious: They’ve destroyed many Blacks’ identity as equal citizens in America. The result is feral behavior such as that most recently seen at the Wawa in Philadelphia. This is not about race; it’s about culture and how the Democrats have destroyed it.

         If you want a detailed timeline of the Democrat party’s depredation against Blacks in America—not just attacks on personal and economic liberty, but also on the cultural core of Black Americans—I highly recommend Bob Parks’ The Democrat Race Lie, which has a long list of Democrat and Republican policies regarding American Blacks. What’s remarkably clear about the Democrats is that they refuse to heed Frederick Douglass’s impassioned plea to leave Blacks alone.

        When left even mostly alone, Blacks have done remarkably well. Outside the deep South, and despite chronic racism in the rest of America, Blacks made great strides after World War II. Indeed, in the lead-up to the 1950s Civil Rights Movement, Black marriage rates were roughly equal to White marriage rates. Also, from the 1920s through the 1950s—and again, despite discrimination across America—Blacks saw very swift economic growth.

        What changed all this was the biggest Democrat initiative regarding Blacks since slavery itself: The Great Society plan and its attendant war on poverty. At that moment, with Democrats abandoning the “do nothing” policy Douglass desired and fiercely embracing a “do everything” policy, Black economic and social ascension in America collapsed. (You can see a well-sourced analysis here.)

        And yes, today, there is a strong upper-middle-class Black community that could not have existed in previous decades, of the type from which Michelle and Barack Obama sprang, but that ignores the greater collapse in the Black community. Outside of the small cadre of Obama-like people, we have a genuinely tragic societal collapse amongst the Black community: The numbers vary, but it appears that over 64% of Black children are raised without a father, a root cause of poverty. Children without fathers are also three times more likely to end up in jail.

       The hell of fatherlessness, poverty, and crime that the Democrats visited upon Blacks has been made worse in recent years thanks to Critical Race Theory. This holds that racism is built into the American system, relieving credulous Blacks of the obligation to strive to succeed or to avoid crime. The Black Lives Matter movement, by demonizing police and, again, forgiving all Black criminal behavior, worsened this mindset. Behind it all is an attack on the Biblical values that create a safe, prosperous community.

        The result is that young people who are perfectly capable of being good students, hard workers, and law-abiding citizens have been told that it’s practically a racial obligation to ignore education, refuse to work, and look upon the rule of law as a racist institution. The resulting anarchy shows up every day. If you are honest with yourself, you assume Blacks are involved whenever you read about a “smash and grab” at a store or that a “fight broke out” in a restaurant or airport.

        Again, this is not a racial failure; it’s a cultural failure that occurred because Democrats have used every societal institution available to them (so here’s your real systemic racism) to deprive Blacks of a culture that leads to stability, safety, and economic success.

The latest example is the mob raid on a Wawa in Philadelphia:  (see 28 sec video) Bob Parks, a Black conservative, is outraged by this trend because these young people, deliberately trained to believe they are above the law, destroy the reputations of all Black people. Check out the video he made, which is at the link above."      American Blacks and the Wawa mob in Philadelphia - American Thinker  

Most people have heard much about the illegality of Joe Biden's DOJ and FBI and their anti-American NAZI like tactics to go after anyone for any reason if they challenge anything Democrats support. That is today's reality. Facts. truth, actual evidence are of no concern. It is thoughts and words said that offend the sensitivities of the political left that matter. In other words, they resort to pure hate filled left-wing partisan politics in order to get their way.  This item is a prime example of an abused American citizen falsely charged but that does not matter. Because he openly objects to Democrat's Marxist oriented political philosophy, he deserve harsh punishment. This is Joe Biden's and the Progressive Democrat Socialist Party's view of  what America will be if they stay in charge. Ask yourself if you agree....

       Quote: "Pro-life activist Mark Houck pleads not guilty to federal charges after FBI arrest. Mark Houck pleaded not guilty in Pennsylvania federal court over alleged altercation outside abortion clinic. Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck pleaded not guilty to federal charges on Tuesday after the FBI arrested him at his home in rural Pennsylvania last week in connection to an alleged altercation with an abortion escort outside an abortion clinic in October 2021. Houck has been accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate and interfere with anyone because that person produces reproductive health care. He pleaded not guilty to two counts in Philadelphia federal court on Tuesday. His attorney, Peter Breen, said the case already made its way through the state court process and was thrown out but that the Biden Department of Justice took up the matter nearly a year later as a form of "political prosecution." Of the estimated 20 FBI agents who came to Houck’s home, Breen said the DOJ is treating the peaceful father of seven children "as if he was a drug lord or a mafia boss."  MISSOURI SENATOR SENDS LETTER TO AG GARLAND DEMANDING ANSWERS ON HOUCK PRO-LIFE ARREST

        "If he was truly a danger to the community, they wouldn’t have waited a year to prosecute," Breen, vice president and senior counsel of the Thomas Moore Society, said outside the courthouse. "Serious questions need to be asked of the attorney general. What was he thinking? Why did they do this obscene show of force against a peaceful pillar of the community?" 

         "It put officers’ lives in danger. It put the Houck family in danger. And it was an utter waste of judicial resources and taxpayer resources," Breen said. Breen said his team contacted the DOJ and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in June to inform them they had no case based on controlling precedent, but if they decided to indict, defense would present Houck willingly in response to a summons. Breen said the next notice he received was that his client was in custody. "This is a political prosecution," Breen said. "And what’s clear from the Department of Justice at its highest levels, which is directing this case, [is] that they are trying to send a message to pro-life and people of faith: ‘Don’t mess with us.’ They want to intimidate — they want to cause good people like Mark to stop praying and counseling at the abortion clinics of our country. And that’s not going to happen."

         The U.S. government alleges that Houck assaulted and "forcefully shoved" Bruce Love, a 72-year-old volunteer at a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood. Breen, however, categorized the abortion escort as "extremely aggressive," saying Love was "harassing" Houck’s 12-year-old son before an "altercation ensued."  Meanwhile, Houck’s wife claims that between 25 and 30 agents raided her home with "guns drawn" on the family and, in front of her children, put Houck in "shackles." 

         "What in the world would possess the Department of Justice to send 20 or so heavily armed agents to this family’s home, violate the sanctity of that home, frighten the children and then drag their father away instead of allowing us to present him peacefully, which we had offered to do?" Breen said Tuesday. FBI Philadelphia claimed that the defense’s portrayals of Houck’s arrest are inaccurate. "FBI agents knocked on Mr. Houck's front door, identified themselves as FBI agents, and asked him to exit the residence," a statement obtained by Fox News said. "He did so and was taken into custody without incident pursuant to an indictment."

       "Extensive planning takes place prior to the service of any federal warrant. The FBI then employs the personnel and tactics deemed necessary to effect a safe arrest or search," FBI Philadelphia added. "While it’s the FBI’s standard practice not to discuss such operational specifics, we can say that the number of personnel and vehicles widely reported as being on scene Friday is an overstatement, and the tactics used by FBI personnel were professional, in line with standard practices, and intended to ensure the safety of everyone present in and outside the residence."      Pro-life activist Mark Houck pleads not guilty to federal charges after FBI arrest | Fox News

George Burns


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