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Things Worth Considering 3

 The previous two items typify the thinking and actions that progressive Democrat socialialists grab hold of. They are part and parcel of the Global Reset initative. You know, pie in the sky, stuff.  Oh, the lies they tell of glories to come. The fact is the opposite is their goal. Total control over us and our entire lives under their long dreamed of goal of joining the ranks of global dictatorship. What they tell us will never come true or even come close to doing what they say they will do. It will be hell on earth. What our globalist progressive Democrats socialists are really, really good at is cheating, committing crimes, manipulating the public with false narratives, defying science, rewriting history, lying and engaging in voter fraud schemes.  You know things bad for our country but good for them and their corrupt political party and their global ambitions. This item is typical of criminal left-wing voter partisan fraud  operations.

       Quote: "REPORT: Fake Charities Dropping Millions to Help Democrats." When you are a charity, you are not supposed to get involved in politics. A recent Washington Examiner report says that is happening on a grand scale. The beneficiaries… Democrats. It’s Illegal. When you are granted 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, by law, you cannot engage in partisan electioneering, or efforts to aid political candidates and affect the results of elections, in any way. You can advocate, but you cannot touch an election, period. Yet, groups like the Voter Participation Center, State Voices, and Voter Registration Project are all arms of the Democrat Party.

      Washington Examiner reported, “This Everybody Votes Campaign appeared again in 2019 when reporter Teddy Schleifer obtained leaked copies of a memo from the Democratic super PAC Mind the Gap, which instructed donors to give to the Everybody Votes Campaign (housed within the Voter Registration Project) and the Voter Participation Center because of the tax breaks and to keep the whole thing a secret from the media. “From 2016 to 2020, the Voter Registration Project and its satellite education fund raked in over $120 million.”

Yet, for some reason, the IRS has looked the other way in this massive scam. You see, for the most part, it has gone unreported because a headline with a non-profit is not sexy enough to generate a lot of clicks, so the media does not bother investigating or reporting it.

Most Americans have no clue just how powerful these so-called “charities” are in our elections."  REPORT: Fake Charities Dropping Millions to Help Democrats - Conservative Journal Review    See what I mean???  

It seems to me that far too many of our over-educated left-wing academic betters are getting overly self-righteous about everything under the sun. The fact is that their brains have be fried by their mindless adherance to their beloved and civil order destructive Marxist doctrine and can no longer think for themselves. It is all about left-wing destructive of everything good by their Marxist oriented "group think" which is poison for the soul.  THEY ARE A HUGE SOURCE OF AMERICA's CURRENT STATE OF DYSFUNCTION. They rewrite history, distort facts, lie, mislead, screw up the biological sciences and hold dear to their fake human caused grossly unscientific global warming claptrap. Their egos are so outsized that they mindlessly toss out civility as they demand compliance with their superiority over anyone who does not bow down to their destrutive and deadly Marxist wisdom. Anyone who doubt's their self-ascribed superiority must be censored, cancelled, destroyed, killed and/or sent to re-education camps. That is the Communist way and that is exactly what way, way, way too many of them are teaching our children. They are not educating. They are indoctrinating them on what to think and how to behave. You Know - turing them into good little compliant far-left wing comrads. We see the consequences of their efforts on a daily basis. They are full fledged members of the criminal class who are at the helm of our country. The coming purge of evil must include left-wing leadership of our public schools and colleges and universities. AND, WE MUST ELIMINATE THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. These destrutive humand beings lost their way a very long time ago...Instead of intellectuals they should be classified as insane IDIOTS. This item is just the tip of a huge problem...

     Quote: "Princeton University Marks Constitution Day With Event Deeming Founding Document ‘A Form of Geopolitical Gaslighting’. Princeton University celebrated Constitution Day in mid-September with an event featuring a panel of academics who spent 90 minutes deriding the country’s founding document as "a tool of geopolitical gaslighting" that "furthers a racial crisis and a democratic crisis." The event, titled "Citizenship and Its Discontents in Our Evolving Democratic Republic," was billed as "a public occasion to consider the Constitution and its lived implications throughout United States history"—almost all of which, according to the panelists assembled, have been negative. "There is a debate in this country as to whether the Constitution should be abolished," said sociology professor Patricia Fernández-Kelly, who moderated the panel. She went on to argue that "the Constitution doesn’t provide an aspirational program to fulfill."

      A spokesman for the university, Michael Hotchkiss, declined to comment. Fernández-Kelly was joined by panelists Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, a professor of gender and sexuality studies at the University of Southern California, who described the Constitution as "a tool of geopolitical gaslighting"; the political analyst Rich Benjamin, who argued that "the fact and the dogma of the Constitution" have caused a "racial crisis and a democratic crisis"; and history professor Rosina Lozano, who barely even addressed the Constitution, choosing to focus on how a lack of bilingual ballots caused the "disenfranchisement and mistreatment" of the Spanish-speaking community—including undocumented immigrants—in America for decades.

Princeton—like every other university that receives federal funds—is required to host an annual event marking Constitution Day that includes "an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students," according to the Department of Education.   

      The event was once hosted by Princeton’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institution, run by prominent conservative legal scholar and public intellectual Robert P. George. The Princeton administration in 2007 transferred responsibility for the event to the Program in American Studies, which was recently folded into the university’s new Effron Center for the Study of America. In the years following the change, the James Madison program cosponsored the event alongside the American Studies Program, but this year the James Madison program declined to do so.

       The event was billed as a discussion of present-day "‘discontents’ as they are shaped by the American constitutional framework," according to a web posting advertising the discussion. "Panelists will explore how citizens’ discontents are codified in laws, cultures, and practices, and how we might rethink the Constitution according to how American discontents are framed and enacted." 

The panelists also took aim at the Republican Party as the source of many of the country’s ills. According to Benjamin, the GOP aims to "disrupt the country for ideological ends" and Republicans hold "anti-democratic sentiments." Parreñas added that she "would not put it past Congress—if they [sic] became a Republican majority—to appease white nationalists, those who wish to go back to the time when it had been only whites … could be citizens of this country, and to repeal the citizenship clause of the First Amendment." 

      Parreñas argued that the country can't work its way out of the morass of racism, bigotry, and inequality. "It’s just kind of depressing. I don't think we can get out of this," Parreñas said, prompting laughter from the other panelists. She expressed fear about the current political climate, arguing that the United States is experiencing "threats to the 14th Amendment," which granted citizenship and equal rights to all native-born citizens."     Princeton University Marks Constitution Day With Event Deeming Founding Document ‘A Form of Geopolitical Gaslighting’ (


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