Sunday, May 5, 2024

It's Not Your Parents' Democrat Party Anymore

If there is ever a time in our recent history that proves the Democrats are destroying our country, it is now! The streets are filled with hateful, young, anti-American, ignorant students who see injustice everywhere, without the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to provide.

The Democrat leaders of those days have long since vanished, replaced by a new Democrat who now craves Marxist power rather than peace or prosperity.

Democrats have bought into the globalist agenda Alinsky, the Satan admirer, offered her a job.

In the midst of violent riots with Jewish students beaten, destruction of college property, and chasing Jews off their campuses, college administrators and Democrats say nothing.

Where is the president? Where is the other president, Obama? Where are the Clintons? Where are the blue-state governors? Where is Alvin Bragg, the New York County district attorney? Where is Gascon, the bogus DA of LA County? Where is Letitia James, New York's Attorney General? Is she too preoccupied with her efforts to undermine Trump? Where are the Democrat leaders in Congress? Where has the college leadership gone? Their too few comments were milk-toast quips.

Support Canada Free Press Donate Why are Soros and other domestic enemies allowed the freedom to fund these subversive groups? The Democrat silence tells me the students are speaking for them with their tacit permission.

Many blue cities produce students who routinely get A's but can't read. As a result, many of today's students are angry, disenchanted, and want change, but they have no idea what form change should take.

Another problem these students face is the realization that the party they trusted has abandoned them.

You didn't really think that Biden had any core values, did you? Students should realize that the press and any number of people are using 4K cameras with facial recognition.

As a gesture of something like smoothing things over, Biden announced on Wednesday that more student loans would be forgiven, in spite of the Supreme Court telling him he has no authority to do so.

It's not your parents' Democrat Party anymore. 

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