Wednesday, April 10, 2024

If Trump Is So Bad, Why Do Democrats Have To Lie About Him?

 Since there is no unit of measure by which the economy under Donald Trump was worse than it is under Joe Biden, lying is absolutely required.

The "Very fine people" lie about Charlottesville was one of their first and, in spite of it being exposed as a complete and total load of Biden, the President repeats it every chance he gets.

George W. Bush stole both 2000 and 2004, and he's "Not my President" is required for tenure at most universities, but questioning the legitimacy of Biden is a "Threat to democracy." The 2008 and 2012 elections were legit, but not 2016 because Russia, we're told, spent a couple of thousand dollars on Facebook ads.

We're dealing with people who take a 7-second clip of Donald Trump and lie about it, saying he's calling all illegal aliens "Animals," when the whole quote shows clearly he's referring to the man who beat an American woman to death to the point that he disfigured her skull.

Officially, Democrats have lied about what Trump has said about the murderer of Laken Riley more times than Joe Biden has correctly said her name, which isn't hard since the only time he's ever attempted to say her name was a rehearsed moment in the State of the Union Address when he said "Lincoln Riley" twice while literally holding up a button that read "Laken Riley: Say Her Name." Joe Biden is as bad of a person as he is a father and grandfather, with a history of lying about anything that suits his needs at any given moment.

There is no unit of measure to show the country is better off under Biden than it was under Trump.

The best Democrats can do is compare the best numbers the Biden administration can cook up to the worst numbers of the Trump presidency, and even those, that were artificially low thanks to the pandemic, barely make their case.

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