Saturday, September 28, 2024

Pizza Hut CLOSES Hundreds Of Locations & Proof WOKE $20 Minimum Wage A Disaster!

 Multiple Pizza Hut franchises in California are planning to lay off delivery drivers as the restaurant chain braces for an increase in the minimum wage for fast food workers next year.

Several Pizza Hut operators filed notices to comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act saying they were discontinuing their delivery services.

The layoffs announcements came months before most fast food workers in California will begin earning a minimum wage of $20 per hour, beginning in April.

“It comes to $3 a month for nine-plus years of service.” FOX Business has reached out to the Pizza Hut operators, but has not yet heard back.

One Pizza Hut delivery driver told Business Insider that he was offered a $400 severance if he stuck around through his February 5 layoff date.

“PacPizza, LLC, operating as Pizza Hut, has made a business decision to eliminate first-party delivery services and, as a result, the elimination of all delivery driver positions,” a federal WARN Act notice filed by the fast-food operator with the state’s Employment Development Department said, Business Insider reported.

Another operator, Southern California Pizza Co. also announced layoffs of around 841 drivers across the state.

Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

 Now the man who has helped uncover much of the contradictory evidence, House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., is planning to ask his colleagues to take the extraordinarily rare step of officially repudiating the December 2022 findings of the Democrat-led House Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the U.S. Capitol led by Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and ex-Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming.

Yes, Nancy Pelosi felt responsible for security lapses at the Capitol, including the failure to pre-position National Guard there.

No, Donald Trump didn’t grab the wheel of his presidential limousine and try to commandeer it.

The last two years of investigations by Congress and Just the News have whipsawed the original, official narrative of what transpired during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

There is no known vehicle in Congress to formally retract an official report from an earlier session of the legislative body, so Loudermilk’s team is aiming to craft legislation that would ask the current members of Congress to repudiate and disown the prior work of the earlier committee.

There's no doubt that Trump did in fact order the Pentagon to send troops to secure the capital city ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, certification of electoral votes, but political and military brass declined to do so.

The video shows Pelosi was not in jeopardy after fleeing the breached Capitol chamber, because the footage shows no protesters or rioters penetrated the evacuation route.

Key Democratic witness changed her story

Secret Service directly contradicts presidential limousine story

Metro D.C. officer caught on videotape claiming “we go undercover as Antifa”

Government Accountability Office concludes intelligence failures

Secret Service missteps put Kamala Harris within yards of a bomb

Capitol door left unlocked, unguarded

Videotape evidence has gone missing

Metro Police had plainclothes officers in the crowd, seen exhorting protestors on video

Nancy Pelosi's daughter allowed to accompany, videotape her mother during Capitol evacuation

Steven Sund, the former Capitol Police chief, who resigned after the Jan. 6 calamity, said he was deeply concerned that Pelosi's actions that day put an unnecessary strain and created a dangerous distraction for her security detail.

"The protective detail isn't there to protect media. And whoever else was there with her for the sole purpose of videotaping creates a major distraction for the protective detail," he added. "You know, they don't train to protect those additional people." 

American Blacks -- Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again

 It’s election time again and that means it's time for the Democrats' regular pilgrimage to black communities to remind them of our sad state of affairs where racist evildoers -- Republicans of course -- actively work to keep black people down.

And the only hope for relief is by voting for Democrats -- who, by the way, have run the country for 12 of the last 16 years. 

This race-baiting is disgusting but is what even more disgusting is that large portions of the black community buy into it.

Due to the sad state of this country’s K-12 public education system -- and the poorer one is, the worse it is -- most blacks don’t seem to know it is the Democrat party that has a long, well-documented history of actively working against black men and women -- from the days of slavery right up to today. The Ku Klux Klan was formed as the military arm of the Democrat party.

His plan to have blacks -- and all poor people -- vote Democrat for 200 years wouldn’t work without the destruction of poor families.

Due to the sad state of this country’s K-12 public education system -- and the poorer one is, the worse it is -- most blacks don’t seem to know it is the Democrat party that has a long, well-documented history of actively working against black men and women -- from the days of slavery right up to today.

It’s election time again and that means it's time for the Democrats' regular pilgrimage to black communities to remind them of our sad state of affairs where racist evildoers -- Republicans of course -- actively work to keep black people down.

You will only be rewarding the political party that has done what slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t accomplish -- destroying the strong black family with the goal of forever enslaving blacks to the Democrat party.

Yet a supposed plan to “help” these folks achieved its ultimate true goal, the destruction of the poor family and their forever dependence on government -- read Democrat.

They prospered even during the worst of Jim Crow times -- also a primarily Democrat operation.

Please think before you give Democrats your vote. You will only be rewarding the political party that has done what slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t accomplish -- destroying the strong black family with the goal of forever enslaving blacks to the Democrat party.

If we don’t confront the Deep State head-on, we will continue to live under its rule

 The Deep State is a network of unelected officials, powerful institutions, and corporate elites that operate beyond democratic control.

While critics often dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, others argue that the Deep State is a tangible and complex network of bureaucratic, financial and military actors who shape national and global policies for their own benefit, largely detached from democratic processes.

The Deep State refers to a collection of bureaucrats, military leaders, intelligence agencies and corporate elites who hold immense, unaccountable power over government decisions.

Whether pushing for endless wars, mass surveillance, bull-sh*t sciences such as mRNA-vaccinology and climate change or Big-Corporate-friendly legislation, the Deep State serves a select few while undermining the democratic ideals upon which nations were built.

In the US, suspicions of a Deep State have been fuelled by decades of government secrecy and unaccountable power.

Elected officials, ostensibly accountable to the people, are increasingly beholden to Deep State actors who operate within democracies but outside the democratic process.

The Deep State has also given rise to an era of mass surveillance.

Kamala Harris’ Small Business Performance Act

 In Wednesday's remarks in Pittsburgh announcing new economic plans, she correctly yet deceptively called small businesses the heroes of the economy and pillars of the community.

JCN's new polling shows small businesses aren't fooled by her performance.

Make no mistake: Harris is no friend of small businesses.

She's just pretending to support small businesses now when it's convenient.

While in office, Harris pursued policies that devastated small businesses and their customers.

"Greedflation" is the leper's bell of a big government opponent of small businesses.

Small businesses are worse off than they were five years ago.

Wow: Former CDC head Robert Redfield endorses Trump, says he and RFK Jr. “got everything right”

Redfield, who served under Trump during the former president's first term, told the media that both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have "got everything right," which is why Redfield plans to vote for them this November.

NEW: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he "got everything right."

"[Trump] has chosen exactly the only person who can do this: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.," Redfield wrote about how Trump and Kennedy are the only guys on the ticket capable of restoring American health.

"Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was gonna restore American health," Kennedy is quoted as saying.

Kennedy was reportedly surprised and "appalled" to find out that Redfield endorsed even him, seeing as how Kennedy has criticized Redfield in the past.

RFK Jr. explained how he was appalled to find out that Redfield, who he was extremely critical of, was endorsing Trump.

"Redfield sees the writing on the wall and wants to crawl back into the good graces of the people that will be in power," said another. 

Democrat’s War on America, Part Three: Contaminating Children’s Minds and Ruining Their Future

 In parts one and two of this series, we’ve examined how Democrats and their poisoned ideology have declared war on America’s children.

If anyone has any doubt as to the intention of the Progressive left to poison the minds of children and ruin their future, look no further than America’s teachers’ unions, especially Randi Weingarten’s American Federation of Teachers.

Historically working in tandem with the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions are intense advocates for curriculum that does not include basic knowledge to get ahead in life.

If a chain is as strong as its weakest link, a school system is as strong as its weakest school, and a class is as strong as its weakest student.

Are school vouchers the answer?

Democrats and the teachers’ unions believe every child should internalize state-approved narratives regarding history, politics, sex, democracy, economics, nutrition, social justice, emotional health, climate change, race relations… pretty much everything.

Rather than actual education, its agenda includes social justice propaganda, racial division, climate change dogma, and promotion of sexual deviancy.